Friday, August 29, 2008

Mia is 2 Months Old!

Mia paying serious attention.

Mia is 2 months old now and she is growing really fast. She had her check up in the pediatrician, the immunization shots and she's ready for new adventures in this big world! So we started Mommy & Baby Yoga and she loves it! Also she had her first babysitter - Our dear friend Hosanna took care of Mia for a couple of hours while I was swimming (great post-partum exercise!). Oh, and this time she had almost a whole bottle of my pumped breast milk! :) That was only her second time trying it! And It was the first time that she missed her dad, who was on a work trip for 6 days...He is back now and they are having a lovely time together again!

To view some adventures of the 2 months of Mia,
please double click on the photo below
and the photos will open in another window:


Unknown said...

Mia esta ficando mega GASPARINI!!!! Bjs saudosos da tia Rena

Unknown said...

Ai amiga, tô com muitas saudades!!! inté emocionei....