Saturday, April 24, 2010

I Love Springtime in New York

Mia and daddy having a blast

Springtime in New York is the most wonderful of all seasons. Dear friends always come visit, the sun is shining and inviting us to have fun outdoors. Mia is blooming as the most precious flowers! She already speaks and understand some portuguese, hebrew, english and spanish! She is so cute and friendly, always saying "Hi" to strangers. Everywhere she goes she makes new friends, nobody can resist her innocent and truly happy smile. I call her our "Bolinha de Felicidade" (happiness ball)! Oh, she and makes us sooooo happy! Yes, she does!

Dear friends Silvia and Clarke with us :)

Mia between her mommy and our dear friend/family Chris

To view ALL the photos of Springtime in NY,
please double click on the photo below:

I Love Springtime in New York

1 comment:

Criando Asas said...

lindaaaa! can't wait... saudades mil!

