Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Body Stamp Artwork & The Fantastic Photo Shoot!

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To view The Body Stamp Artwork
please double click on the photo above
and the photos will open in another window:

We had a lot of fun during this entire day at Arthur's Studio!
Mia behaved really well and for about 8 hours we worked non stop! What a wonderful day of Art and play! Our beloved photographer friend Arthur Nobre clicked the Body Stamp Artwork done by Mia's mom pregnant! And he was so cool that he shoot lots of fantastic pictures of Mia and her mommy!!! Thank you so much, Arthur! Your work is fabulous and you are amazing! { www.arthurnobre.com }


Unknown said...

Beautifull photo shots of beautifull Mia and mother
I enjoy repetedly
Saba Hezi

Zana-DO said...

The body stamp artwork is genius, so amazing to see your already creative soul inspired even more by Mia and motherhood and life. Good to know it only gets better. Keep creating, can't wait to see what you come up with next! Besos from BA, see you in Jan.

anamaga said...

Minha netinha querida,veja só quanto amor te rodeia desde o barrigão de mamãe!!!!As imagens falam por si...
Um beijo muuuuuuito carinhoso nessas bochechinhas fofas,
da vovó Ana e vovô Ricardo